Kiwi Milsim's Raison D'Etre

Kiwi Milsim's Raison D'Etre

Whether you are a new or existing customer or simply a friend made during my time particpating in northeast and east coast US airsoft, I welcome you to my first blog post! Today's today will be about my "Raison d'etre", my purpose in thie endeavour and what I hope to achieve.

Many years ago, myself and my teammates got heavy into vehicle based ops working alongside a dismounted element, collectively known as the 1st Lancers British Airsoft group. To fulfill our British mechanized infantry impression, we required a decently significant number of (airsoft) support weapon platforms, primiarily of the L110 (M249) and GPMG (M240) variety.

As we used these replicas heavily, the very apparent issues of support weapon box magazines became the forfront of basically every event and necesstated constant maintenance in between. The tinkerer in me started to look at what i could do to improve relability of the boxes, starting with simple reinforced solder joints, to slight improvments to the pressure pads used for box activation.

Following these incremental improvements in the stock boxes I started getting a bit more creative, using a *very* basic, PLA only delta style 3D printers (Neva by Dagoma), along with some metal forming tools I had access to to make custom inserts using the MAG branded loading devices from Evike as the core. These were a leap forward in terms of reliability and simplicity for box mags and allowed me to have a single mechanism at the core of each box for the entire team, making parts a whole lot easier to come by.

Over time and so many iterations I have ended up where I am now. Designing and printing my own "loading devices" (call them feed mechanisms) for a pretty wide variety of inserts and fully printed box mag options. With two new Flashforge Creator Pro 2 printers replacing my older Nevas, I am able to print everything in better materials with better quality. 

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